
NIS-2 & third-party risk: How to ensure compliance effectively

This webinar on NIS-2, hosted by Protiviti and 3rdRisk, provides an in-depth look at the latest regulatory developments, third-party security obligations, and best practices for efficient compliance. We’ll also explore lessons from DORA and how technology can simplify risk management and regulatory adherence.

April 1, 2025
Wilco Pieterse (Protiviti), Jelle Groenendaal (3rdRisk)

About the webinar

The implementation of the NIS-2 directive is in full swing, bringing significant new requirements for organisations across various sectors. In the Netherlands, the Cybersecurity Act (Cyberbeveiligingswet) and the Cybersecurity Decree (Cyberbeveiligingsbesluit) will shape how companies must prepare for compliance. But what does this mean in practice—especially for third-party risk management? And how can technology help organisations streamline compliance while reducing organisational and regulatory complexity?

In this deep-dive webinar, experts from Protiviti and 3rdRisk will provide a comprehensive update on the latest regulatory developments, best practices, and practical strategies to ensure efficient NIS-2 compliance. We will also draw lessons from DORA and demonstrate how a structured approach can help organisations stay ahead. This interactive session includes a live Q&A, so you’ll have the opportunity to ask your most pressing questions.


NIS-2 and the regulatory landscape: Where do we stand?
  • NIS-2 key developments
  • Cybersecurity Act: Status and impact on organisations
  • Cybersecurity Decree: Sector-specific requirements and implications
  • NIS-2 regulations for the digita infrastructure sector
Third-party risk management under NIS-2
  • What new third-party security requirements must organisations meet?
  • How to prepare for these obligations efficiently?
Lessons from DORA & best practices for compliance
  • What can we learn from DORA's approach to third-party risk management?
The role of technology in NIS-2 compliance
  • What are the key requirements for NIS-2 tooling?
  • How can 3rdRisk help streamline compliance and automate third-party risk management?

Who should attend?

This webinar is designed for CISOs, risk managers, compliance officers, and IT security professionals looking to understand NIS-2 requirements and implement a strategic, technology-driven approach to third-party risk management.

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April 1, 2025
Wilco Pieterse (Protiviti), Jelle Groenendaal (3rdRisk)

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